Monday, 21 May 2012

Let it Burn

I've always loved those old fashioned songs of lament, especially the old folk ones. This is by no means one of those. This is a tell it like it is song, there ain't no clever headed lyrics in this one (not that mine are clever). I wanted the lyrics to be a specific moment in time rather than a poetic one. I wanted people to be able to hear it once and feel that they could relate to it.
The song came to me at a tough time I had trouble getting over somebody. I never like to share my problems with others I feel that it can be seen as a burden, so instead I prefer to write. This song describes falling in love with someone who has no interest in you. Instead of playing the victim you'd rather cherish the fact that you are able to love, after all that's what makes us human. I have a tendency to fall in love easy and quick, like it says in this song "I guess I got to close to the flame and all I could do was loose control" in others words laying yourself bare for that person. When I wrote the lyric "the flame in vein tampers with your soul" I was really addressing the vanity of the person, and how they were arrogant enough not to respond (I'm very bitter right now as you can tell...jokes), but it also has a double meaning which in this case is love seeking control of you without permission, think of it as a possession rather than a willingness to fall in love. I do enjoy singing this song, I see it as a release. The only way I could describe the song is as an easy listening power ballad!!

Verse 1
I guess intime I will be alright
I’llstraighten myself up, I’ll carry on
I guess intime I won’t need you in my life
I’ll guess in time with time you will be gone

Guess I gottoo close to the flame
And all thatI could do was loose control
When yougive someone a little love
The flame invain tampers with your soul, Let it burn, Let it burn

Let it burn, Let it burn

Verse 2
At leastthat I am capable of love
That’s what separatesus from the worst
Every timeI’ve given all my love
The only thing they’ve given me is hurt

Love hasallowed me to cry a stream of tears
I have knownlove to be cruel
Spend your time wasting away the years
Amen if youknow this to be true, Let it burn, Let it burn

Let it burn, Let it burn

Mid 8
It's over I know it, I don't want to believe it
and I don’t know how, don’t know how to put the fire out
Let it burn, Let it burn

I guess intime I will be alright
I’llstraighten myself up, I’ll carry on
I guess intime I won’t need you in my life
I’ll guess in time with time you will be gone

Karl Smitherman © 2011 published 2012

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